Supporting your Immune Defence with Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Biomed supplements produce a range of Live Culture Probiotics and cover a whole range of gut related topics on their blog.
Read my article for the Biomed blog about gut health and immunity here
The Importance of self-care for Mum's during lockdown
Mamamade food produces fresh, healthy, delivered to your door baby food with no added nasties.
Read my article here for some self-care tips for Mum's during lockdown
Maternal Circle
Maternal Circle is a private Facebook group dedicated to supporting pregnant people in the local Bath area through their pregnancy and beyond.
It's an exciting collaboration between myself a three other practitioners a doula, a yoga teacher and a massage therapist.
Please join our community here
Butterflies and Sunflowers
is a brand new charitable wellbeing project providing support to those affected by Covid-19.
You can find me on the list of holistic providers page here