Work With Me
How Can I Help?
There are often times of disconnection when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle; we know what’s good for our bodies, but we don’t always act accordingly. That's where a nutritional therapist can help guide and support you to achieve your health goals with a detailed nutrition, supplement and lifestyle plan.
What can I help you with?
Although nutritional therapy is not a replacement for medical advice we work
alongside medical professionals to provide support to clients with chronic
health issues and those who just want to improve their health and wellbeing.
Nutritional therapy could help support you if you suffer from any of these issues:
Low mood, anxiety, depression
Blood Sugar Balance
Digestive Disturbance – Bloating, IBS, Reflux
Food Intolerances & Sensitivities
Gut Health
Migraines and headaches
Skin Health -Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis
Sleep Issues
Fatigue, Low Energy
Fertility Problems
Hormonal Imbalance – Endometriosis, Menopause, PCOS
Morning sicknesses and pregnancy health issues
Recovery from childbirth - postpartum care
My focus is how we can optimise our diets in order to feel at our best. Nutritional therapy can help if you are looking for general healthy eating advice or maybe something more specific and targeted. There in an option for everyone and each client is looked at as an individual taking into account the whole body and not just the issue you need help with.
I will provide a detailed lifestyle and nutrition plan that includes useful fact sheets, recipes and supplement recommendations using evidence based research and naturopathic nutrition principles.
My mission is to help clients feel at their best and discover the root cause of the issues they are facing combining a functional medicine and naturopathic approach which may include laboratory testing at an additional cost.
I offer different price packages and different time frames ranging from 4 weeks to 6 months. You can find out more here
I also offer a FREE 20 minute Health Review call to have a chat to see if you would like to work with me. There is no obligation to purchase a programme after the call.
The information on this website is for educational purposes only and should not replace medical advice. Nutritional Therapy is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Always consult a doctor or other medical practitioner before implementing any changes. If you are on prescriptive medication you should check with your GP before commenting any supplement programme or dietary changes.